We chased her into the woods. How in the world did she escape? And how did she get Mom's apron?! This was going to be a Thanksgiving like no other.
Although I am a big fan of gratitude, I am not a big fan of Thanksgiving. I don't like to cook or do dishes and those are the main events of Thanksgiving. But I do love to eat and I love the Macy's parade so I put up with everything else.
A number of years ago I pared down the dinner to only the traditional foods we really like. No yams, green bean casserole, or orange jello with shredded carrots in it. This year I'm having boneless turkey breasts. I know, I know-where's the tradition in such a no frills feast? Well...
- Because I don't make a big deal, my kids spend the day with their spouse's families- which means I get them for Christmas.
- I get to sleep in (no getting up at the crack of dawn to put the turkey in the oven) until the parade starts.
- We get to go to the movies instead of staying home to baste the bird.
I have a home that is a haven for me and my family and it is often filled with laughter, running feet, crashing hot wheels, guitar solos, and silly dancing.
My children love their parents and each other.
I get to express myself through silly doodles and drawings and occasionally through great big paintings.
And how could I express gratitude for my life without including my membership in the true church of Jesus Christ. This blessing makes all of the others more sweet and more important.
So... to everyone, whether your Thanksgiving is big or small, fancy or no frills, I hope you are happy.
Now...bring on the shopping! What time does Target open on Friday?