We've had this old storage unit for probably 20 years. (That's 20 yrs at $42 a month...I don't want to know or hear about it.) It hasn't been opened in 15. Today we decided it was time to empty it. Why today? Well... David wanted his GI Joes for Nate because the movie comes out next week.
Did we find the GI Joes? Yep, along with Rambo, Masters of the Universe, Star Command, baseball cards and Construcs.

Nate was in Heaven!
We also found the Cabbage Patch dolls and other "girl" stuff: yearbooks, New Kids On The Block, love notes, etc., but we took it all over to Sandi's garage so no pictures.
We kept toys so our children could share them with their own kids. Wow! How time flies!
Did we find anything else? You bet!

- Antique hats and china that belonged to my Aunt Martha. My Aunt Martha didn't have any children. Jeanette and I were her favorite nieces. She bought enough china for both of us. The hats are beautiful. One is from Neiman Marcus. I tried them all on.

- Tons of old books. Including this gem: "Welcome Aboard An Informal Guide for the Officer's Wife" from when Rich was in the Navy. I don't remember reading it.

- Rich's old record albums. He was so thrilled! They're all in perfect condition. Too bad we don't have a turn table anymore. He also found our first computer-an Amiga!

- But the real find were all my Uncle Jimmy's (married to Aunt Martha) cameras.
What a day it was!
Where am I going to put the china?
Sabrina and I are so jealous! We can't wait to see everything!
I'm just glad you didn't find any living treasures. Eeew!
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