There are all kinds of storms in our lives. The kind that rage over the land using rain and wind, snow and sleet. There are the ones that rage through our lives with tears and heartache, worry and fear. There's no way of avoiding storms, but there are ways to make living through them a little easier. I really do believe this is the purpose of Relief Society.
Many times I have been blessed with service from the Relief Society. They have come into my home and cheered me up, warmed my heart, and fed my soul.
That's me with the flowers. I'm not a great cook or baker, but I can cut flowers from the backyard or buy them at the grocery store. I can listen to my sisters and try to brighten their day with flowers.
I have often felt the Savior's arms around me through the warmth and softness of a quilt.
And maybe man cannot live by bread alone, but a loaf of homemade bread is awfully yummy. A piece of toast and the scriptures is a great way to spend a rainy morning.
Relief Society is known for providing meals for families when a new baby is born. But sometimes taking a meal to someone who has really had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day is so appreciated.
Once, a friend brought me a bag of groceries from her food storage because she knew I was in need. Now, I try to pay attention so I can return the favor to someone else.
And how can a plate of cookies not brighten the most miserable day or lighten the heaviest heart?
It's all about LOVE.
It's all about LOVE.
What do you look for when you're faced with a storm?
Everyone looks for love.
Relief Society is the Lord's way of providing it.
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