Monday, May 4, 2009

Hold to the Iron Rod!

This week I've been thinking about choices and the consequences of those choices. How do we know we're making the right ones?

When you're young you don't realize that even the smallest choice you make can have a huge impact on your life when you're older.

Who to be friends with? Whether or not to do your homework? Alcohol & drugs or soda & Doritos? What cute outfit should I wear today?

Once you've made your choices how do you live with the consequences?

I remember sitting in my Stake President's office (he'd been a friend of the family for years) and crying over the bad choices my kids had made, the consequences they were suffering and thinking I would never have them back.

He told me to stay faithful, be a good member, and a good example and they would come back. How far away that seemed at the time.

But I stayed faithful (not always easy) and tried to be a good example, and a good member. And most of all I kept loving my children. I would share what I learned in Sunday School or Relief Society. I kept inviting (sometimes demanding, sometimes guilting)
them to come to church with me. I suffered their consequences with them and kept moving forward. Then one day it started to happen. They began to return.

So, how do we make choices that yield good consequences? And how do you make it through the consequences that aren't so great? HOLD TO THE IRON ROD. I held on until my knuckles were white.

I'm still holding on.


CatchMe said...

I love your blog, very inspirational :)

kashurst said...

Funny how I see this now. Iused to look at this from MY side. But now I think about Roko. I see it from your side. What a different kind of challenge! I'm eternally grateful for your example, persistence and faith. I love you!!!
