Thursday, February 18, 2010

Rainbow After the Storm

A Relief Society sister in Nevada asked if I would do a drawing for her Relief Society's birthday party. The theme had to do with service, rainbows and storms. So... here's what I came up with:

There are all kinds of storms in our lives. The kind that rage over the land using rain and wind, snow and sleet. There are the ones that rage through our lives with tears and heartache, worry and fear. There's no way of avoiding storms, but there are ways to make living through them a little easier. I really do believe this is the purpose of Relief Society.

Many times I have been blessed with service from the Relief Society. They have come into my home and cheered me up, warmed my heart, and fed my soul.

That's me with the flowers. I'm not a great cook or baker, but I can cut flowers from the backyard or buy them at the grocery store. I can listen to my sisters and try to brighten their day with flowers.
I have often felt the Savior's arms around me through the warmth and softness of a quilt.
And maybe man cannot live by bread alone, but a loaf of homemade bread is awfully yummy. A piece of toast and the scriptures is a great way to spend a rainy morning.

Relief Society is known for providing meals for families when a new baby is born. But sometimes taking a meal to someone who has really had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day is so appreciated.
Once, a friend brought me a bag of groceries from her food storage because she knew I was in need. Now, I try to pay attention so I can return the favor to someone else.
And how can a plate of cookies not brighten the most miserable day or lighten the heaviest heart?

It's all about LOVE.
What do you look for when you're faced with a storm?
Everyone looks for love.
Relief Society is the Lord's way of providing it.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

I love Valentine's Day!
Lots of red and pink (my favorite colors).
Chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate.
Not to mention flowers and jewelry.

For this year's Valentine drawing, I was inspired by a friend's blog about how you know whether your family is complete.

She'd been watching them for awhile. Waiting...because...Love is patient.

Do you think our children choose us as parents before they're born?
Do you think, maybe, we choose them before we're born?

I wonder if our children watch us, waiting for us to fall in love, to marry, to find the time to have them.

Why do they sometimes wait so long to come to us? Why do they sometimes not come at all?

Love is patient. Love must be patient.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

All About Harry

Monday was Harry's 17th birthday! Wow!
How time does march on!

We filled his room with balloons and streamers.
David helped us choose and order the bass guitar he wanted.

No matter how hard I've tried to keep him a little boy, he just keeps growing up.

Harry is the baby . We waited a long time for him to come to our family. 13 years to be exact. After Kelly (our third) was born, we considered that maybe our family was complete. But one night, I had a dream. I saw a cute little red headed boy standing and waiting. I knew he was meant for us. So we waited... and waited...and waited.

Soon I began to think that maybe he was a "some day" son-in-law or a boy I would teach in Primary or maybe h e was just a dream. When Sandi was a senior and Dave was 16 and Kelly 13, I found myself pregnant. I was 40. What a surprise.

Harry has been our entertainment, joy, and reason for getting up in the mornings for the past 17 years. He came to us late but at exactly the right time.

So...I thought I'd throw up some pictures and drawings "all about Harry":

Ever photogenic!

He's been rockin out with Dave practically since the day he was born.

He's always been cool.

The infamous buzz haircut while Mom was gone.

He has been my model for drawings many times.

Harry is my hero.
No matter how old he gets.
