Thursday, January 21, 2010

Rain Rain Go Away

Rain, rain, go away,
Come again some other day
Little Johnny wants to play.

It's been raining and raining.
Chairs in the pool.
The lemon tree blew over again.
The church parking lot was flooded last night when I took Harry to Mutual- which, actually was kind of fun.
I left my rain coat at Dave and Nancee's. So I really couldn't go anywhere today.

The first day was OK. It's exciting to listen to the rain hitting the windows and the wind whipping the trees. But after the third, fourth, fifth day it's ENOUGH already. It's not fun anymore to dart from the car in the parking lot to Target. It's no longer funny to see how much debris has blown into the pool. Even splashing through puddles is getting old.

I don't know. Should I start studying up on how to build an ark? Or should I just accept it and enjoy the knowledge that eventually it will stop. The sun will shine again. Then the flowers and trees will begin to bloom and before I know it, it will be warm again and I will be floating in the pool., while it's raining and I can't go anywhere (because I did my hair and I do not want to get it wet even if I would like to wander through Target) I decided to doodle some "rainy day" thoughts.

Whether it's struggling through with the help of an umbrella, or splashing into puddles with complete abandon, or just snuggling with your favorite quilt, let's just make do and look forward to the sunnier days ahead.


kashurst said...

the spring. I don't even mind the general wetness. I just don't like having less choices of what I could be doing, you know?

DisneyGrrl666 said...

I think I have decided to move south, warmer rain! How far and how long can I stay on $10k?!? Seriously...I am soooo done!!
